Sunday, October 18, 2009


I love getting pictures taken of my girl. :) There's nothing better than seeing how they grow and change over time. This weekend was no exception. I look at her on a daily basis in awe that she is getting to be so grown up, but never as much as when I actually see it in pictures.

Part of the reason for all the pictures is that she may end up doing some modelling. I know, funny right? Mostly for fun, but if something comes of it great. I love that the agency is very openly "Christian" and won't book the kids for anything questionable. So, we are getting pictures taken for her Comp Card. Ashley's friend Sara Carroll will be taking the pictures. If you're in Phoenix and need family photos, you should totally check out her website. She is incredible.

Alright, what else is going on..... Oh yeah, I'm getting old. lol I can't say that I'm looking forward to my birthday. I guess when you really look at it "age is just a number" lol, yeah right. I guess we will just see how the week plays out.

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